Learning to Adult: The Cooking Edition

This morning I made breakfast. Before I was finished making the most perfect poached egg, I burned my entire left hand with a bowl full of breakfast beans and spilled the contents of the bowl all over my entire kitchen. Oh, and I broke my only plate. Spilling the entire contents of my breakfast beans was… Continue reading Learning to Adult: The Cooking Edition

Getting Acclimated: Freshers’ Week and Terrible Pictures of the Amazing Highlands

Well, I’ve certainly done a lot since my first post. So, I guess I’ll go over the big highlights from the last 7 days: Freshers’ Week (in a nutshell) and my trip to the Highlands. Freshers’ Week: You may not know this, but the word “freshmen” is often replaced with “freshers” for first year students at… Continue reading Getting Acclimated: Freshers’ Week and Terrible Pictures of the Amazing Highlands